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The mobile-responsive solution transforming offshore operations 

One of the offshore industry’s greatest challenges lies in the recruitment and retention of skilled workforce. That’s where My OneView comes into its own. 

My OneView launched at the Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference (OEEC) 2024 this week, aiming to revolutionise recruitment and retention. 

The offshore industry often must deal with a sustained shortage of skills, combined with the intricacies of workforce mobility and the demand for efficiency in operations. With the increasing demand for competent professionals in the offshore industry, now is the time to attract, onboard, and retain the best talent. 

With My OneView, a solution is at your fingertips: a seamless mobile-first experience allows crew members to engage with their work schedules, training updates, and project assignments from anywhere. By making crew members more connected, informed, and empowered, My OneView builds loyalty and trust – it improves retention rates and raises staff satisfaction. 

Key benefits 

  • Mobile accessibility: Intuitive, mobile-responsive design allows crew members to access their schedules, updates, and essential information at the touch of a button. No more missed shifts or miscommunications. 
  • Reduced admin burden: OneView helps companies save up to 200 admin days per year by automating time-consuming manual processes and minimising errors. HR and operations teams can free up more resources to invest in strategic initiatives, such as recruitment and talent development. 
  • Improved crew engagement: With real-time schedules, training, and company updates at their fingertips, crews are better informed and more engaged. Companies can gain a serious boost in morale and reduction in turnover by offering a more personalised and transparent experience. 
  • Cost savings: Automating workflows and enhancing operational efficiencies, My OneView has the potential to reduce operations costs, further contributing to a leaner and more cost-efficient offshore operation. 
  • Avoid costly staffing issues 

Recruiting and retaining skilled offshore talent has never been easy, but the challenge is certainly heightened through high job market competitiveness and changing expectations of the workforce. Employees today ask for more flexibility, transparency, and control over their working lives. My OneView is designed to meet those demands head-on, offering features that will improve the overall experience for crew members-from smoother scheduling to access to real-time information. 

My OneView provides crew members with the autonomy and visibility they deserve, with features such as shift preferences, instant access to job details, and the ability to track training certifications and career progression, which can result in higher job satisfaction and a stronger sense of loyalty to their employer. 

For employers, seamless onboarding, management, and real-time communication with crew can soften the blow of such high turnover, as their teams will remain stable and functional. 

In a time when offshore workforce stability is more important than ever, My OneView is your key to unlock future crew satisfaction, recruitment success, and staff retention. 

If you missed us at the event, click here to learn more about how you can take a step towards a more connected, efficient, and sustainable offshore workforce.