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The surprising benefits to performance that mechanising assurance can bring

This white paper, produced by GGI in collaboration with Allocate Software, investigates the benefits that mechanising assurance, and the use of integrated assurance software, can bring to NHS organisations and wider systems.

As the national operating environment grows in complexity, organisations will need to be alive to the challenge of implementing and  retaining effective quality and safety assurance processes and ensuring that effective behaviours are underpinning these. This paper
explores the value of assurance before going on to explore the benefits of mechanisation through a selection of case studies. It then looks forward to assurance in system working, and how this can be most effectively developed. Co-produced with NHS colleagues, the
paper concludes with a set of recommendations for providers, regulators, GGI and Allocate.

Download the whitepaper

Hugh Ashley, General Manager UK & Ireland, Allocate in his foreword states “I hope that this paper will go some way in encouraging debate in this area and provide a useful resource for boards as they navigate their way through current and future challenges. ”

GGI and Allocate thank the contributors to the paper:

  • Sam Armstrong, Board Secretary, Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
  • Mary Aubrey, Director of Governance, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation
  • Jackie Bird, Chief Nurse and Director of Quality, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
  • Alex Bolton, Safety Learning Programme Manager, Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust
  • Julie Gray, Assistant Director of Nursing and Quality, The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
  • Dr Amanda Harrison, Senior Associate, GGI
  • Angela Helleur, Improvement Director, NHS Improvement
  • Sue Hickman, Compliance Manager and Deputy Head of Assurance, The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust
  • Karen Hunter, Non-Executive Director, Mid Essex Hospital NHS Trust
  • Liz Jones, UK Marketing Director, Allocate Software
  • Paul Jones, Board Secretary, University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
  • Keith Griffiths, Director of Sustainability, East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust
  • Hilary Merrett, Senior Associate, GGI
  • Dr Nadeem Moghal, Medical Director, Barking Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust
  • Sarah Owers, Product Owner, Allocate Software
  • Ann Sutton, Senior Associate, GGI
  • Sara Turle, Member of the Patient Partnership Council, Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust